The Bighorn River in Montana is a world-class fly fishing destination, known for its steady flow, rich aquatic insect life, and impressive trout population. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or a beginner, understanding the river’s seasonal changes, key hatches, and expert strategies will greatly improve your success on the water.

Fish the Bighorn River

Spring (March – May)

  • Why Fish It? The trout are hungry after winter and are actively feeding.
  • Conditions: Water temperatures rise, leading to increased insect activity.
  • Hatches: Blue-winged olives (BWOs), midges, and early-season caddis.
  • Tips: Use smaller nymphs and emergers to mimic early-season insects.

Summer (June – August)

  • Why Fish It? Warmer weather, abundant hatches, and dry fly action.
  • Conditions: Stable flows and clear water make for excellent sight fishing.
  • Hatches: PMDs (Pale Morning Duns), caddis, yellow sallies, and terrestrials (hoppers, ants, beetles).
  • Tips: Early mornings and evenings are prime times due to heat during mid-day.

Fall (September – November)

  • Why Fish It? Less crowded waters, aggressive trout preparing for winter.
  • Conditions: Cooler temperatures, stunning autumn scenery.
  • Hatches: BWOs, mahogany duns, and streamer action.
  • Tips: Streamer fishing can be excellent for targeting trophy browns.

Winter (December – February)

  • Why Fish It? Solitude on the river and a chance at large, unpressured trout.
  • Conditions: Cold temperatures and lower water levels.
  • Hatches: Midges and occasional winter BWOs.
  • Tips: Focus on slower, deeper pools with nymphs and small streamers.

Expert Tips for Success on the Bighorn

  • Use the Right Flies: Match the hatch with BWOs, PMDs, caddis, and terrestrials.
  • Adjust Your Tactics: Dry flies work well in summer, but nymphing and streamer fishing are often more productive.
  • Stay Stealthy: The Bighorn’s clear water requires a careful approach.
  • Hire a Guide: Local experts can greatly improve your chances of landing big fish.
  • Respect the River: Practice catch and release, follow regulations, and leave no trace.

The Bighorn River offers incredible year-round fly fishing opportunities. By understanding seasonal patterns and adapting your approach, you’ll have an unforgettable experience chasing trout in one of Montana’s most renowned fisheries.