Bighorn River Etiquette

Because of the increasing number of boats and wading fishermen, observation of the unwritten, local customs will help you and other fishermen have an enjoyable day.


Below are customs you should follow while fishing the Bighorn:

  • Always respect the area around wading fishermen, give them a wide berth. They have the right of way.
  • When approaching bank fishermen while boating, notice how far out their lines are and stay clear.
  • While floating, if there is another boat nearby try and stay out of their area. Also, when passing a boat moving slower than yours, move out of their line of drift and go downstream 200-300 yards before coming back into their line of drift.
  • The Bighorn River is one of the most heavily fished streams in Montana. If fishermen are courteous and have a relaxed attitude the river will continue to offer a superb angling experience.

BigHorn Hatch Chart

MidgesYear Longblack, gray, olive, red, tan, cream18-24
Spring BaetisApril – Mayolive brown nymph/olive gray adult16-22
Yellow Sally
(Little Yellow Stone)
June – Julyyellow/tan12-16
Pale Morning DunJuly – Augustolive brown nymph/amber adult14-16
HoppersMid July – Septyellow, tan, green6-14
Terrestrials & AntsMid July – Septblack, cinnamon brown16-22
Tan CaddisAug – Octtan pupae-mottled tan adult12-16
Black CaddisAug – Septolive pupae-black adult16-20
TricoMid Aug – Octmales-black, females-olive18-24
Fall BaetisSept – Novolive brown nymph/olive-gray adult18-24
Sow BugYear Longpink, white, tan14-18
ScudsYear Longtan, orange, olive, gray12-20
Aquatic WormYear Longred, orange, tan, wine8-12
Cranefly LarvaeYear Longcream, tan, brown4-10
LeechesYear Longblack, brown, olive, rust6-10
MinnowsYear Longolive, yellow-brown, silver-black2-10

How To Get A Fishing License

You must have a current Montana fishing license in order to fish on the Bighorn or anywhere in Montana.

To apply for a Resident or Non-resident License

  1. Log on to
  2. Click “I am not a Montana Resident”
  3. Insert first name, last name and date of birth and click “submit”
  4. Click “I am certain I do not have an ALS number” (if you do have an ALS # –insert it
  5. Under fishing, insert “2” in the Two day fishing and scroll down and select the dates you plan on fishing. If you plan on staying additional days…you needs to purchase a license for those dates
  6. Click “Proceed to checkout”
  7. Fill in credit card information and click “Submit”
  8. Print the temporary License and keep it in your possession throughout the trip
  9. Print a receipt for your records.